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THE most frequently asked question regards the provision of prostitution services. The answer is still no.

Where's your website?
Good question. Here's a better one. Which company isn't getting a helpful promo right now?

Men and women are pragmatic in different ways:

Men's FAQs: Whadya mean experiences cost money? [and/or] But I'm really curious and I'd really just like some undivided attention. Why can't I ask  you a lot of questions, personal or otherwise, for free? [and/or] But what do I get?

Women's FAQs: Great idea! When is it? [and/or] Awesome! What should I wear? [and/or] Is there parking? [and/or] Will there be food? [and/or] Nice! It's the difference between hiring a lawyer and studying law to represent yourself! Both will work but one will have more assured results in court."

And that's before they find out that we pay for their time (just like What's Your Price), to ensure our aim of a 2 to 1 female to male ratio, and to "make up" for the 2 to 1 ratio. No one wants to come to a "Sausage Party" but how else d'ya think we're going to convince beautiful women to show up to a party with double the competition and half the suitors?

It should come as no surprise that models and potential sugar babes are motivated by money that back up claims of affluence and generosity. It should also come as no surprise that venues and food and drink and flowers and linens and event planning cost money, too.

An exclusive and rare opportunity is just that. Not common, or easy to find. But they are highly sought after... in commercial enterprise it's referred to as a niche market, business acumen. Or in lay terms, good math.

Answers that are relevant, albeit mostly rhetorical, questions...

*Whether your preference is "ordinary" or "unique", when was the last time you were in a room with the opportunity to meet, connect and share with ten beautiful women who were looking for the same experience you are?
*How did you convince them to show up? To where? How long did it take?
*Have your current efforts yielded ten individual first dates yet?
*How many first dates become second dates?
*How long does it take to set up and have a first date? Doesn't it make more sense to spend the same amount of time for ten first dates?
*How much time and money have you spent online and in person so far?
*What has your investment yielded?
*Is money more valuable than the experiences it can buy? Is there a dollar value on loneliness?
*Did you know that "on the Internet everyone is rich or a super model AND a kind, good lover with a great smile"? Did you guess that we're just not willing to bet on those odds?
*How serious are you about finding a companion?


In all sincerity, you are more than welcome to schedule a consultation to discuss the finer points of commerce, including the rendering of goods and services, cost/benefit analysis, the concepts of value and quality, supply and demand, or our business model specifically... But I'll tell you in advance, our specialty is relating and we've built a business on it. To put it another way, this isn't a Social Service subsidized by  the United Way or our glorious Healthcare System (though we believe it should be because loneliness is detrimental to your health). And while we do commit personal volunteer time to worthy Charitable Organizations, Creative Consultations is a business for individuals who are serious about curbing their loneliness and other needs, by engaging in different experiences.

Let's be realistic. Regardless of the experience you're seeking, your wife probably isn't going to host that or any other party so you can find a mistress. And even if you don't have a wife, she'd still have an easier time convincing a bunch of women to come to any kind of party of such a nature. But we can host it and we do! Because we all know you can't just walk up to any woman (in a bar, or at work, or at your wife's backyard BBQ) and ask "Might you be interested in becoming my sugar baby?" or "Can I lick your feet?"

The truth of the matter is that women are motivated by safety above all else. And the unanimous consensus among potential sugar babes, models, and other female guests is that while the odds are stacked against them to find a companion, our events offer "safety in numbers".  And ultimately, they feel that an event hosted by a woman is safer still. Women love the idea of an opportunity to meet five potential suitors for the time it takes to meet one man. Not only because hair, makeup and wardrobe are time consuming efforts to impress a potential mate but because they feel that the men must be serious about meeting someone if they are attending one of our events. And that if the men are serious, it is well worth the time spent primping.

If you want to be taken seriously and desire to impress upon a woman that her time is well spent with you (and you do, right? Or you wouldn't be here...), it's all in the details that help you stand out from the crowd. Sure, an event is just a bunch of details that come together but it's by design and doesn't just happen. You may not see the problem with randomly inviting women to your impromptu tailgate party in an empty parking lot, complete with Timbits and Baby Duck, if you are indeed as generous as you claim, but I guarantee there are very few women who would attend. It's no secret that women enjoy comfort!

We all know online dating has it's merits but both men and women reflect that, aside from it being like trying to find a chemistry needle in a haystack, misrepresentation is a huge problem. Some men and women present poorly in type. On opposite sides of the coin, men say that they get too few responses from women, while women claim to get too many responses from men. Zero/handful of responses vs. hundreds of responses, literally. Either end of it has it's obvious disadvantages and naturally spam accounts for a great proportion of those numbers but we all agree the only way through any of it, regardless of where you meet, is to spend time in person.

The conclusion is, for men and women, it all boils down to time, the only resource that can't be reacquired.

And now that you've invested all this time reading, it's time to get offline-after you contact us to book your initial consultation.

EVERYBODY LOVES FREE STUFF we've included this free information. Knowledge is power and the Internet is full of it. If you're willing to do a little research! And as with all ventures, personal or otherwise, if you are prepared to invest time and money.

So, we present to you these alternatives, listed in order from most to least helpful:

* Try You only have to pay when you get a date/message, free for women. The average date in Calgary costs $120, plus the cost of dinner x10 equals $2000, plus all the time you'll have to spend to lure the ladies in. This site has has the most successful outcome for men and women looking for dating opportunities.

*Try I'm pretty sure it's free for all users. Men and women have met with success using this service though finding specialized dating opportunities is rare.

*Sign up to any of the Sugar or Other Dating Sites. They all charge a monthly subscription (some are free for women) and it is alleged that many of the profiles (both male and female) are fake. Men and women have found limited success on these sites.

*Try or if you want to become one of a hundred responses lost in the mix. Women have success on these sites because of the overwhelming number of men relative to women. But it is time consuming. Men find it difficult to get any attention on these sites.

*Engage the services of a professional. Massage Therapists can help to intervene on touch deprivation. It is not appropriate to ask your Dentist to fix your car, and the same is true of asking your Massage Therapist, Dentist or Mechanic for sexual favours. There do exist businesses that offer "RubnTug" services and while we are unable to refer you to any specific source for Sex Workers, we can refer you to places like The French Maid for nude entertainment. We also suggest employment on Adult Movie sets. But it's likely to be easier to start your own production company. These and other sex trade industry venues provide stimulation but little opportunity for companionship or connection. There are other risks involved, do your research!

*Search Google for "girl of my dreams".

*Just keep doing what you're doing. She'll fall into your lap on the C-train one of these days!

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